Radical Intimacy


Presenter: Zoë Kors

4 CE Hours

Course Description

Human beings thrive on love and belonging. We want to feel deeply connected to the people in our lives. Of all the relational experiences, intimacy can be one of the most confusing. We tend to think of intimacy as something that is dependent on someone or something outside of ourselves. In actuality, the nature of intimacy is complex and readily available to each and every one of us individually. Radical Intimacy is a practical methodology for cultivating the deeply connected relationships we desire and deserve which empowers you and your clients to create a more satisfying and vibrant life experience.

Learning Objectives:

At the conclusion of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the three kinds of intimacy and the three levels of intimacy and how they create nine areas of opportunity for deep connection
  • Explain the seven pillars of emotional skill and cite examples of how they look in context
  • Understand and explain the double helix of mind-body connection when it comes to sexuality
  • Describe the distinction between emotional and energetic intimacy
  • Demonstrate how energetic intimacy can be a neutral territory for couples experiencing desire discrepancy
  • Anticipate and mitigate the most common obstacles to cultivating and sustaining intimacy

Speaker Bio: Zoë Kors is a certified sexologist and sought-after thought leader of intimacy and sexuality. Her book, Radical Intimacy: Cultivate the Deeply Connected Relationships You Desire and Deserve (Hachette, 2022) is available wherever you buy books. She is the resident sex and intimacy coach and contributor at sexual wellness app Coral. Zoë is the former Senior Editor and Creative Director of LA Yoga Magazine and has appeared in The Washington Post, Newsweek, Cosmopolitan, Well+Good, Bustle, and many other publications. Zoë’s article, 6 Ways to Have Radically Intimate Sex, quickly went viral and is currently at over two million views and over 250K Facebook shares.

Zoë holds a BA in Art History from University of Pennsylvania. She is a certified Sexologist, recognized by the American Board of Sexology, as well as a certified Co-Active Coach, and certified Death Doula. Her training also includes dozens of programs and courses in sexuality and spirituality. Zoë is initiated in the Sri Vidya tantra lineage. Her work reflects her extensive study of Tantra, Zen Buddhism, Meditation, Yoga, Breathwork, and other Eastern disciplines, which she integrates with more process-oriented modalities of Western psychology and Evidence-based Coaching.

Zoë currently lives in Los Angeles with her husband, son, and dogs. She’s passionate about many things, the daily ritual of French press coffee, the New York Times, and attending L.A. Galaxy games top the list.


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