Dr. Christine Romano is a PhD-level licensed mental health counselor, an EMDR trained therapist, an AASECT certified sex therapist and an AASECT certified sex therapist supervisor. Her clinical passion and research innovation lies in her treatment specializations including sex and intimacy, sexual functioning and dysfunctioning (e.g., desire, arousal, orgasm, painful intercourse, erectile dysfunction), sexuality and gender diversity concerns (e.g., involuntary disclosure), and relationship counseling (e.g., communication, conflict management, understanding perspectives and reciprocity, trust and infidelity). She has a background in counseling research, counselor education, and clinical supervision in academic and practice settings, and human resources and law in corporate companies, nonprofit organizations and small businesses. She is an avid academic teaching Masters and Doctoral students, and conducting research on interpersonal relationship perception (i.e., dyadic analysis, empathy, communication, trait judgement accuracy, relationship dynamics in romantic couples, therapist-client therapeutic alliance), sex therapy (i.e., sexual dysfunctions, cognitive behavioral therapy treatment outcomes for female sexual pain disorders, LGBT+ and involuntary disclosure, sex therapy competency and its impact on mental health counselors-in-training), counselor development (i.e., counselor education and clinical supervision on therapists’ trauma healing and its impact on therapist empathy and the therapeutic alliance, integrating reproductive mental health and human sexuality into counselor education, counselors’ self-efficacy and competence in addressing human sexuality and reproductive mental health), and multicultural counseling (i.e., cultural competency in counselor education, racial and gender microaggressions, identity development, intergenerational trauma, and acculturation impact on psychological well-being for the first generation and immigrant Arab, Middle Eastern, North African, Hispanic, Latinex, Asian and Pacific Islander populations, Arab, Middle Eastern and North African individuals’ lived experiences in therapy, LGBTQ+ therapists’ lived experiences in clinical supervision). With her experience, working in various settings and working with a myriad of populations, she is dedicated to serving the people of her community and advocating for mental health counseling and sex therapy.