Examining Sexuality Across the Lifespan (2 CEs)


Presented by: Kathleen Baldwin, MSW, CSE, CC

2 CE Hours

Recorded workshop available via video on demand

AASECT Category: Human Sexuality, Section B.


The course uses a model for holistic sexuality developed by Dennis Dailey, PhD. This model underscores the importance of cultural messages in providing a context for learning about sexuality topics and oneself. The model is useful to understand the dynamic, multi-dimensional, and lifelong experience of sexuality as a human, and for setting a broad definition for what sexuality is.

In American culture access to healthy, helpful sexuality education that is science-based and accurate is all too rare. In its absence people learn through translating life experiences and what they observe, which are very unreliable sources of information. Opinions and stereotypes can easily replace facts and truth. In short, a great deal of what people learn about sexuality is from watching how others act and from the media, and too much of it is not true or science based.

When people do deep reflection and analysis of their experiences specific to holistic sexuality, it is possible to understand the messages they were exposed to, and without intention may be believing or living with. Once identified, untrue and unhelpful messages can benefit from accurate information. The insight will provide helpful direction for further individual exploration and learning, as well as therapeutic support.



Learning Objectives

At the completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe how someone might experience five aspects of holistic sexuality in diverse ways throughout their lifetime.
  • Discuss how psycho-social learning about sexuality in the absence of science-based information can lead to multiple sexual dissatisfactions and concerns.
  • Explain how using a Sexual Self-Analysis tool can facilitate insightful self-examination that allows clients and students to understand their learning from important life experiences.
  • Describe application of the PLISSIT model to support clients and students.



Speaker Bio

Kathleen Baldwin, MSW is a sexuality educator, trainer, program developer, instructional designer, and coach who works with diverse communities to promote sexual health and rights forover thirty-five years. She provides sex and relationship coaching through Tell Kathleen Anything, and for twenty years taught undergraduate courses in Human Sexuality and Teachingabout Sexuality for Indiana University in Indianapolis, where she lives. She has written several curricula and manuals to promote healthy sexuality and sexual rights, including leading design of ten toolkits for ages 6-24 for Girls Inc of Greater Indianapolis, a Toolkit for Leadership and Advocacy for Girls Inc. National, which is used in the US and Canada; Kathleen has writtensexuality curricula used nationally for Carrera/Children’s Aid Society program., and she is a national trainer for Our Whole Lives sexuality education since 1999. Baldwin is a Subject Matter Expert for mightyresource.com and is a first-generation college graduate. She paints and grows orchids as well.