1 CE Hour
Presented By: Damon Constantinides, Ph.D., LCSW
Recorded workshop available via video on demand
Sex and sexuality can be places of great pleasure, power, and pain. Historically the field of sex therapy has focused just on transition for transgender and gender nonconforming folks. In the greater world trans people experience sexual objectification, sexual exploitation, sexual violence, and desexualization.  Providing sex therapy to these communities must hold these truths and made space for exploration, healing, joy, and pleasure. This webinar provides an introduction to a framework for sex therapy with trans clients that is rooted in narrative therapy, transfeminism, queer theory, intersectionality and in challenging the cissexist culture that we are all living in. In this webinar we will provide context for sex therapy that moves away from pathologizing models, empowers and lifts clients, and centers trans people. Nine principles, adapted from Sex Therapy with Marginalized Clients: Nine Principles of Clinical Support, will be discussed with case examples. These principles provide a path forward to providing sex therapy that is relevant to these times, that holds the nuances of changing identities, changing worlds, and changing sexualities.
Learning Objectives:
Speaker Bio:
Constantinides (he/him) has a private therapy practice in Philadelphia, PA on colonized land of the Lenape people. He is a white, queer, able-bodied, trans man from a mixed working-class and middle-class background. In his private practice Dr. Constantinides provides individual and relationship therapy, supervision and consultation. He works from a trans-centered, anti-racist, and relational lens and is always excited to support trans and nonbinary identified clinicians and sex therapists. He is co-author of Sex Therapy with Erotically Marginalized Clients: Nine Principles of Clinical Support, a text that applies a social justice approach to sex therapy. Dr. Constantinides can be contacted through his website, www.drdamonc.com or at drdamonc@gmail.com.