SOGIE Marginalized (LGBTQ+) Youth: Including and Supporting in Curriculum, Classroom, and Community (3 CE Hours)


Presenter: Richelle Frabotta

3 CE Hours


This interactive presentation will address three topics that speak to including LGBTQ+ (SOGIE marginalized) youth in classroom, curricula, and community programming. First, we will look at the history of exclusion that has created higher rates of health disparities for LGBTQ+ youth as well as hear from youth….THE PROBLEM. Second, we will discuss strategies for increasing health equity, personal agency, and access to resources…The PRAXIS. And third, in a happy hour-type format, we will co-construct positive narratives for moving forward with an inclusive paradigm…THE CELEBRATION.

Learning Objectives

  • Discuss the history of why and current practices that continue to rank LGBTQ+ youth at highest risk for health disparities such as suicide, bullying, alcohol and drug use/abuse, homelessness, anxiety and other mental health challenges.
  • Describe strategies, frameworks, and approaches to including SOGIE minority youth in curricula, classroom, and community programming.
  • Explain a new narrative for LGBTQ+ youth where “in a perfect world…” will be answered with innovative ideas.