Working with sexual trauma with those who come from religious backgrounds (3 CE Hours)


Presented By: Natasha Helfer, LCMFT


3 CE Hours


Recorded workshop available via video recording

Course Description:

This clinically-oriented presenta2on will explore some of the challenges therapists will face and competences they should have when trea2ng clients who are needing treatment for sexual trauma who also come from religiously conserva2ve backgrounds. Religiously conserva2ve clients can pose unique challenges when they are presen2ng with religious values, beliefs and doctrinal understandings that intersect with their experience of sexual trauma. Understanding how to honor clients within their cultural and religious spaces, understanding some of the effects sexual trauma might have on their beliefs or spiritual experiences, whether or not their religion or spirituality will act as protective or harmful factors, while also offering best standards of care and watching personal bias are important skills to acquire within the field of trauma-informed care.



1. Describe 2 types of clients who may come into your office who will present with religious sexual  trauma

2. Explain 2 types of messages people get in certain religious communities which could be both protective or harmful factors in their healing journey.

3. Discuss your own religious or areligious history and bias considering this information, and the clinical implications of such.

4. Describe 2 treatment methods and interventions a therapist can consider when working with this population


About the Instructor

Natasha Helfer LCMFT, CST-S, received her bachelors degree in Psychology from Brigham Young University and her masters degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from Friends University. She also received her cer2fica2ons as a sex therapist and sex therapist supervisor from the American Associa2on of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT). Helfer is a speaker, writer, and podcaster with 27 years of clinical experience primarily working with a clientele from LaXer-day Saint/Mormon, Hispanic Catholic, Evangelical and other Chris2an denomina2ons around issues of mental/rela2onal health, faith transi2ons and journeys, and sexuality. Helfer hosts the Natasha Helfer Podcast and has authored two books: “One Family, Two Views” (mixed-faith marriage) and “Check your Baggage” (challenging sex nega2ve messages). Helfer is the Director of Educa2on, Psychotherapy and Religion at The Buehler Ins2tute ( She was recently excommunicated in 2021 from the Church of Jesus Christ of LaXer-day Saints for issues surrounding her advocacy for sexual health. 
