04 Sep Creating Space for Black Women in BDSM
An Upcoming Webinar: September 26, 2020

With the safety precautions in place for COVID-19, many of us have found some extra downtime on our hands. But downtime can be productive! Webinars have become an even more popular medium these days as one can participate during the live event or watch on their own time via a recording. You can learn new theories or practices, expand your perspectives, and hear new points of view all from the comfort of your home.
Modern Sex Therapy Institutes offers an ongoing schedule of webinars that cover topics from Normative Sexual Development to Consensual Non-Monogamy competency training. The webinars range in time, from 1 to 16 hours, and all offer CEs (APA, NBCC, & AASECT) via a printable certificate that you can access post webinar viewing. Consider bookmarking the Events Calendar:

One of our most popular webinars has been Treating Out of Control Sexual Behavior: Rethinking Sex Addiction with Doug Braun-Harvey. The training introduces therapists to an emerging sexual health based best practice outpatient treatment model for men with out of control sexual behavior (OCSB). This seven-hour CE Training is a forum for expansive dialogue and sexual health conversation based upon the award-winning book, Treating Out of Control Sexual Behavior: Rethinking Sex Addiction by Doug Braun-Harvey and Michael Vigorito (2016).
And then mark your calendars now, because on Saturday, September 26th at 3:30 ET, sex, relationship, and dating pro, Shamyra Howard, LCSW, will lead a workshop on Creating Space for Black Women in BDSM. Shamyra will focus on the four dynamics of “Power. Pleasure. Politics. Practice” to illuminate how each operates as a barrier and portal to diversity, participation, and engagement in BDSM communities, with Black women.
Named “One of The Most Influential Dating Experts of 2019,” Shamyra will share her expertise during this 2-hour webinar, eligible for 2 CEs. Sex geeks, clinicians, educators, researchers, and other members of the community will benefit from this workshop as it is informed by the media, clinical practice, and critical race theory.

We have several upcoming events, so do take a minute to check out our monthly calendar of events. And if you can’t join us for a live event, do remember to check out our WEBINARS page, where you can access past webinars. So slide your feet into a pair of slippers, and take a look at our catalog to find some meaningful webinars to watch in the coming months. Sign up today!
Creating Space for Black Women in BDSM was originally published in Modern Sex Therapy Institutes on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.