01 Oct Upcoming Sex Therapy Events at MSTI
Register for October’s Workshops & Webinars
Modern Sex Therapy Institutes offers a vast course catalog leading to various sex therapy certifications and degrees. In addition though, their strong network of though leaders offers workshops and webinars each and every month — many applicable for CEs too. Check out what is coming up in October and register today:

Gender and Sexual Orientation: Transition Anxiety: Play, Pleasure, and Possibility beyond Trans 101 (16 CEs)
Friday, October 16 and Saturday October 17, 2020
from 9am-6pm EST
with Rae McDaniel
The dominant narrative of gender transition is that transition has to equal suffering. This workshop applies current research in facilitative coping mechanisms to individuals in the process of transitioning their gender in order to help our clients transition with more ease. By learning practical skills for helping clients make decisions about how to express their gender to the world, we will begin the conversation about how to change the narrative of transition into a process of self-actualization, curiosity, and discovery. We will address pleasure equity, personal and collective pride, and explore practical therapeutic skills for guiding transgender/non-binary clients through the transition journey.

Working with Desire and Libido difficulties (individuals & couples): a non — pathologizing approach & what’s missing from our practice (4 CEs)
Sunday, October 18, 2020
from 9am-1pm EST
with Cyndi Darnell
One of the core reasons people seek help from sexuality professionals is to explore mismatched desire and low libido. Desire is conceptualized in the mainstream as an involuntary feeling of horniness which sex relies upon to be successful. But research shows us that ‘great sex’ requires so much more than simply being ‘in the mood’. While ‘horniness’ is considered the holy grail of desire scales, we are tricked into thinking that desire is something that happens *to* us rather than something we do. This workshop proposes that desire is in fact a strategy, a resource and a practice and offers interventions for navigating the skills to get us there. By reframing desire as a ‘strategy’ rather than a passive, subjective, moment-in-time, we reorient ourselves and our clients to the notion that desire is something we control, rather than something that controls us. Whether we experience ‘too much’ or ‘too little’ desire, reframing desire and libido as a relationship to values and skills, allows clients a richer understanding of their unique erotic template along with tools to facilitate how to make it happen.

Using Sexually Explicit Material as a Clinical Intervention (4 CEs)
Sunday, October 18, 2020
from 2pm-6pm EST
with Cyndi Darnell
Sexually Explicit Material (SEM) is a useful and powerful aide in clinical & therapeutic dialogues. SEM includes everything from lingerie advertising in public spaces through to online pornography. Modern SEM offers access to intersectional, feminist-informed, body-positive & social-justice informed approaches to address shortcomings in sex education, body image, consent, communication and pleasure facilitation. This workshop offers an approach to expanding erotic wisdom in clinical settings through the application of SEM, while modeling ethics and consent.

Upcoming Sex Therapy Events at MSTI was originally published in Modern Sex Therapy Institutes on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.