Sunday, December 18, 2022
4 CE Hours
Presenter: Lee Phillips
Recorded workshop available via video on demand
AASECT Category: Sex Therapy Ed, Section C
Course Description:
Sexual self-esteem is known as a client’s evaluation of their sexual self-worth. It is created by culture, religion, ethnicity, gender roles, beliefs, and emotions. When other therapy modalities are not enough, it is time to explore the internal values that clients have about themselves as sexual beings and in their relationships. Acceptance & Commitment does not seek to change the client’s thoughts and feelings regarding their self-esteem. The focus is on helping the client to acquire effective behavior patterns guided by what they hold as important, their goals, and values as a sexual being. This workshop will introduce and explore sexual self-esteem using the tenets of acceptance & commitment therapy with a focus on disconnecting clients from unrealistic expectations in how they view themselves their bodies, partners, and sex itself.
In this 3-hour virtual workshop, we will explore:
Learning Objectives: