Integrating Kink with Harm Reduction and other Therapeutic Modalities(2 CE Hours)Presenter:Michael Aaron Ph.D.


2 CE Hours

Presented by: Michael Aaron Ph.D.

Recorded workshop available via video on demand


This class provides a framework for working with problematic sexual behaviors through a harm reduction lens. We will cover the main tenets of harm reduction, pros and cons of this approach, and how it differs from an abstinence only model

Finally, we will cover specific interventions and case examples that illustrate how a harm reduction approach may be used in clinical settings.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify at least 3 principles of harm reduction
  • Differentiate harm reduction from abstinence approaches
  • Utilize 3 specific interventions that use harm reduction principles

Activity Schedule:

Principles (1hr):

  1. Didactic—main principles, differentiation from abstinence only, research results, pros and cons of harm reduction and alternate approaches
  2. Case Studies

Interventions (1hr):

  1. Didactic-specific interventions
  2. Case Discussions

Speaker Bio:

Michael Aaron, Ph.D., is a psychotherapist, author, and speaker, specializing in the field of human sexuality. He is a recognized expert on a variety of sexuality issues, including sexual minorities, alternative/kink/polyamory lifestyles, sex workers, discordant desire and infidelity in couples, sexual dysfunction and anxiety, gender and orientation confusion, and sexual compulsivity. He has been interviewed in numerous media outlets, online podcasts, and magazines, such as the New York Times, Wall St Journal, CNN, Reuters, Huffington Post, Cosmopolitan, Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Men’s Fitness and He is a member of the Advisory Board of Men’s Fitness Magazine and blogs for Psychology Today. He is certified as a Sex Therapist by the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) and is a Diplomate of the American Board of Sexology. His book Modern Sexuality is an Amazon bestseller in the category of human sexuality.

His website is