Typical Issues Working w/BDSM and Kink (Sex Ed)(2 CE Hours)Presenter:Emily Prior


2 CE Hours

Presenter: Emily Prior, M.A.

Recorded workshop available via video on demand



This workshop will address common issues that come up when working with BDSM/Kink clients. Health versus unhealthy kink behaviors will be explained.

Learning Objectives:

  • List and describe 4 key terms related to kink/BDSM relationships
  • Explain the different between kink and abuse
  • Discuss healthy versus unhealthy kink behaviors

Activity Schedule:

  • 15 mins Introduce topic and how we will cover the topic
  • 15 mins What are some myths about BDSM or people who practice BDSM?
  • 15 mins Define what BDSM is and what it can be
  • 15 mins Discuss who does BDSM
  • 15 mins Review key terms related to BDSM and Kink
  • 15 mins How can we tell BDSM from abuse?
  • 15 mins What are indicators of possible unhealthy BDSM relationships or boundaries?
  • 15 mins Discuss readings related to lesson that have not yet been addressed

Speaker Bio:

Emily E. Prior (she/her) is the Executive Director for the Center for Positive Sexuality. Since 1996 she has been teaching formal and informal classes about a variety of sexuality-related topics including Gender, Deviance, Relationships and Family, and Feminism. She is an adjunct professor at several colleges and universities, has over a dozen publications, and presents at conferences around the U.S. She is frequently interviewed about her research, the Center, and positive sexuality in general. She won the Vern Bullough Award for research.