Socio-Cultural Factors in Sexual Values and Behaviors (2021) Presented by Dr. Brent Satterly


8 CE Hours

Presenter: Brent Satterly, Ph.D.

Recorded workshop available via video recording.

AASECT Category:

Human Sexuality Education
Section C


This highly engaging eight-hour training provides participants with the knowledge and reflexive practice skills necessary to explore the complex dimensions of sociocultural factors of sexual values and behaviors. Since examining specific cultures in depth is beyond the scope of a single training, exploring the role that oppression, privilege, and colonization have played in the formation of sexual values provides a foundation for culturally humble practice skills development. Through the use of interactive activities, guided video analysis, and complex case examples, participants will apply culturally humble reflexive clinical skills in assessment, intervention design, and evaluation.


8 Hours = 480 minutes

Learning Objectives:

At the conclusion of this training, participants will be able to…

  1. Describe how standard sexuality educational ground rules are grounded in privilege and oppression;
  2. Identify values about sexual behaviors;
  3. Examine the systemic role that colonization, oppression, and privilege play in sexual values development;
  4. Compare and contrast how socioculturally-specific ways of knowing inform sexual values development;
  5. Explore the role of cultural humility and reflexivity in sexually positive and strengths-based clinical sexological practice;
  6. Demonstrate culturally humble reflexive clinical skills in the assessment of diverse sexual identities;
  7. Demonstrate culturally humble reflexive clinical skills in the intervention designs for diverse sexual identities;
  8. Demonstrate culturally humble reflexive clinical skills in the evaluation of practice for diverse sexual.

Activity schedule

Time Allotted in Session Total Time in Session Topics & Method
10 min. 10 min. Welcome Opening/Introductions/Format
50 min. 60 min. Standard Ground Rules & Oppression

Method: PowerPoint, Lecture, Discussion

60 min. 120 min. Personal & Professional Sexual Values

Method: PowerPoint, Interactive Activity, Lecture, & Discussion

60 min. 180 min. Colonization, Oppression, Privilege & Sexual Values Development

Method: PowerPoint, Lecture, & Discussion

60 min. 240 min. Culturally Diverse Ways of Knowing & Sexual Values Development

Method: PowerPoint, Interactive Activity, Lecture, & Discussion

60 min. 300 min. Cultural Humility & Sex-Positive Practice

Method: PowerPoint, Guided Reflection Video, Lecture, & Discussion

45 min. 345 min. Cultural Humility & Sex-Positive Practice: Assessment

Method: PowerPoint, Lecture, Case Example, & Discussion

45 min. 390 min. Cultural Humility & Sex-Positive Practice: Intervention Design

Method: PowerPoint, Lecture, Case Example, & Discussion

45 min. 435 min. Cultural Humility & Sex-Positive Practice: Evaluation

Method: PowerPoint, Lecture, Case Example, & Discussion

45 min. 480 min Reflexive Wrap-Up

Method: Lecture & Discussion

Brent A. Satterly, PhD, LCSW is a Full Professor at Widener University’s Center for Social Work Education. With over 25 years clinical and educational experience, his areas of expertise include human sexuality and social work pedagogies, clinical work with LGBTQIA+ populations, professional identity management & intersectionalities, HIV/AIDS, family and sex therapy, and the use of pop culture in teaching social justice. He is well published, including his recent 2020 co-authored textbook, Sexuality Concepts for Social Workers (2nd ed.). He is a member of good standing in the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) and the Pennsylvania Association of Undergraduate Social Work Education (PAUSWE).

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